Friday, August 15, 2014

  Hello again, my super low visitor numbers are fascinated me, so here is some new sets ive done past week. I made my rogue Night elf female also used my free boost for another female night elf there so there will be alot of nelf sets around.

about the sets; i think i started to like more plain stuffs or less shiny stuffs and i get annoyed by shiny ones. Some of this sets for myself and some for a new friend met on firelands hc run. I've won great stuffs but just realised that i dont need those shiny stuff im good on my purplish chain armor. well, less talk more MOG
 this set is what i use rightnow. its so plain but i liked it verymuch, goes good with black war tiger.
thinking to change shoulder piece.
this set is my current wish-set, looks so nice but hard to get, actually not so hard but im so lazy.
 this is for a friend i met in firelands hc transmog run. Tried to catch more traditional touch with both of theese sets im sure they will look way to better with some different beards and hairs. my mog program doesnt allow me to change it .

this helmet is just made for dwarves right! it looks fabouls in my opinion but have no idea if he s gonna like it.

its all i got for this week u guyz, keep watchin !

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Hi there again :) made 4-5 sets but cant be sure of them so these two are the good ones i believe. Nelf one is for myself ( gonna get faction change) and the second is for a good friend. I think i overused this shoulders and head pieces and gonna leave this alone for a while :)
If you have some favorite piece of armor you want to use but cant find anything to match up send it to me in comments so i can work for you maybe we can get something good ;)

  Wow... I'ts been long time since I visit here or play wow, but I decide to return it with the coming of WoD. There will be new transmog sets for rogues mostly because Im gonna play it at WoD :) keep up for updates!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

 Hello again, didnt updated for loong time. So there is few new sets I plan to get on my characters. Purple DS tier / eyepatch gear is my favorite on this post.

 (I will add item names soon)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

  Aced my two hard final today, couldn't feel any better. Here is some transmog sets I've made in this week also my rogue's old transmog sets. Sorry for beign slow, just found time for posting them.

This is the Monk set for bloodelfs I mixed lately. Pretty low profile when you compare to other shiny sets. Still impressive in my opinion :)

Head: Hieroglyphic Helm
Shoulders: Shoulders of Resumed Battle
Chest: Nimble-Knife Chestguard
Hands: Wandering Friar's Gloves
Waist: Klaxxi Lash of the Harbinger
Legs: Deer-Savior Leggins
Feet: Boots of the High Adept
Main hand: Legionnaire's Sword
Off hand: Legionnaire's Sword

Here is two sets for my guildie Cemre which just changed his character to orc female. Built the entire set for helm piece.

Head: Crown of Flame
Shoulders: Craterflame Shoulders
Back: Cloak of Firemaw
Chest: Inferno Forged Hauberk
Hands: Clawshaper Gauntlets
Waist: Belt of the Blood Nova
Legs: Replica Kilt of the Five Thunders
Feet: Treads of Dormant Dreams

Head: Malefactor's Eyepatch
Shoulders: Wingslasher Pauldrons
Chest: Smokeflare Chestguard
Hands: Runeshaper's Gloves
Waist: Belt of the Blood Nova
Legs: Rippling Flesh Kilt
Feet: Monstrous Stompers
Main hand: Wrathful Gladiator's Pummeler
Off hand: Voice of Reason

I've mentioned that played rogue back at cataclysm. Theese are my three main transmog sets. It was very hard to collect black/green one  but totaly worth it! I'll post more of them when I have time :)

After this weeks raid I finally looted my axe! Changed my entire set because I dont have good scale of axes.
Let me know if there is any piece fits better than what I equip.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

  When transmogrification added to world of warcraft it become my favourite thing in the game. First I used populer tiers and weapons then wanted to something different and unique. I was playing with my rogue back then (now it's paladin) made many unique sets. Current transmog I use is not unique at all but my favourite paladin set in the game.

Head: Relentless Gladiator's Scaled Helm
Shoulders: Relentless Gladiator's Scaled Shoulders
Chest: Relentless Gladiator's Scaled Chestpiece
Hands: Relentless Gladiator's Scaled Gauntlets
Waist: Relentless Gladiator's Girdle of Salvation
Legs: Relentless Gladiator's Scaled Legguards
Feet: Dreadful Gladiator's Warboots of Alacrity
Main hand: Akirus the Worm-Breaker

There is a new set I've been trying to collect about 4 weeks. Shoulders, hands and shield left only. 

Head: Ironbark Faceguard
Shoulders:  Shoulderguards of the Solemn Watch
Back: Grimtotem Cloak
Chest: Breastplate of the Timeless
Hands: Gauntlets of the Iron Furnace
Waist: Stormtempered Girdle
Legs: Glided Steel Legplates
Feet: Greaves of the Stonewarder
Main hand: Dragon's Call
Off hand: Akmin-Kurai, Dominion's Shield

  I'm a blood elf but I believe set looks way too better on dwarf males.

There is a set for a priest friend of mine.

Head: Oversized Stonemaul Hood
Shoulder: Stiffened Corpse Shoulderpads
Chest: Robes of Azure Downfall
Hands: Hallowed Handwraps
Waist: Black Belt of Knowledge
Feet: Boots of the Incorrupt
Main hand: Fanged Tentacle
Off hand: Ledger of Revolting Rituals
  I've been searching for transmogrification blogs all over internet for long time and thought why shouldn't i give it a try. I'll be posting my sketches and sculptings too.